Hey, nice piece...
It's not often I favourite songs, but you truly have earned it so let's start this review.
The tempo I'd like to start off with I think was a vey nice touch, it was speedy in the right places, and it didn't have a very fast feel in the breakdown, which of course is a nice touch to a breakdown.
I like the bells in this song alot, though they don't follow the melody trend completely, they fit in perfectly and they have a very nice pitch to them.
I made a remix of this once, but I made it very fast so, it didn't come out great, I was going to retry but I felt like there was no point, but seeing what you've done with this, I think I will try.
I like how the bass in this song follows the under pattern the whole way but the top half changes, THAT is exactly how it should be done.
The drums after the breakdown are very nice, and are also something I'm good at (I cvan finally give you something helpful) well, yeah you had your drill effects in there but i think it could've been nice if you'd of messed with the pitch and velocity a little, that is a good thing to do to the snares especially i sometimes find, also, vocoders are sometimes a nice effect to put on your drums to go in after breakdowns, to intro themselves, unless that seems to be just me that can do that.
I like how the synth in the back has an LFO on it, or something similar, was it a preset or did you make that?
In the scratches in the beggining, I think you used wave traveller, but not sure, in any scenario, they were nice.
Well, I'm rambling on a bit here, so I think this'd be a nice point to finish the review.
5/5 I've taken your score up quite a bit, not a great ammount, but a good ammount.
Congratulations on this song, it truly has been taken to the max of its potential
C ya around, check out my stuff sometime perhaps? - B34T1N.